Among the books I'm reading lately is Martin Luther King Jr.'s Where Do We Go From Here , written in 1967, a year before he was assassinated. Reading his words as he wrote them, rather than the platitudes and selective quotes that have passed through the filter of American history, has been extremely enlightening. Reading this book has been at once encouraging ( I'm not imagining all of this! I've figured out some things from first principles! ) and discouraging ( Jeez, all of this written in 1967 applies right now in 2015. Aww...dang. ). Rather than put down fully formed thoughts on a book I'm only four chapters into, a week after MLK Day I'll take the opportunity to share some excerpts from the book that I've highlighted and pondered. Much of these quotes are from a radical activist who saw the need for reforming America from the roots on up. This is not the moderate, friendly, savior-type that we're taught about in school. MLK was a revolut...
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