In my last post I gave a peek into my understanding of racism in America, and how I teach that concept to my children. The reading list posted therein also informs much of what follows, so if you’d like references please see the end of that article . See also my introduction on the subject of race in (US) astronomy. With this post I aim to give a quick overview of some key concepts that I'll rely upon in future posts. For people wishing to comment on this, please do me, yourself and the community a favor and first read this excellent reader’s guide on discussing racism. You’ll be surprised how often the first thing that comes to your mind has been previously voiced and repeated ad nauseam elsewhere in similar forums. When in doubt, frame your comment as a question. The 1927 AAS meeting. In one key respect it is the same now as it was then. The first concept is that of race . This subject is covered extensively in the easy-to-read textbook Seeing White (see my Twitter c...
Updates on astronomy and parenting in, Pasadena. Wait, make that Cambridge, MA.