Tonight we had Scarlett and her mom over for dinner. After dinner Scarlett started playing with Owen's toy plane. Owen looked distressed and started whining about not wanting her to take it home with her. Owen: whining incomprehensibly... Erin: "Owen, I can't understand you when you're whining. Use a big-boy voice." Owen (calmly): "Mommy, I want not Scarlett to borrow my airplane." Scarlett (matter-of-factly): "I'm just looking at it." Owen: "Oh." Then later, I was trying to fix the plane by unscrewing the battery cover. Scarlett: "Is that a screwdriver?" John: "Yep, it's a screwdriver." Owen: "Yes, it asb--, um, abslit, abs-so-LUTELY is a screwdriver!" The other day we were driving back from Costco and Owen was entertaining Marcus in the back seat. Then he stopped and said, "Mommy, Marcus is my best friend." Our hearts asb--, um, abslit, abs-so-LUTELY melted! One of Owen's latest ac...