about a month ago, i had a "mommy getaway" to the bay area - a whole weekend away from 6 AM responsibility and reading Richard Scarry's Cars, Trucks and Things that Go . a belated birthday blessing from john & what a treat! lots of time with girlfriends, yummy california produce, burritos, cheeseboard pizza , and a tea party at the sweetest tea house in lafayette. tea time! fun treats for new baby cheeseboard yum! supper club ladies (less mckay) ================================ keeping with the tea party theme, the mom's group that i'm a part of hosted a "mom's day out" yesterday to honor those of us with little ones on the way. we went to the historic moana surfrider hotel (can you say "schmancy"?!?!) in waikiki and enjoyed high tea on the veranda. a super excuse to get dressed up and eat petit fores! the three of us with leis are expecting (all boys!) wanee at 8 mos. & me at 7 mos. pregnant (next door neighbor & mom of owen...
Updates on astronomy and parenting in paradise...er, Pasadena. Wait, make that Cambridge, MA.