it always amazes me how the amount of sleep we get can so deeply affect our ability to function on a daily basis! the past few days left me feeling like i was swimming underwater, and frankly down in the dumps. piecing together a total of four hours a sleep a night, entertaining a three-year-old, and soothing/nursing a newborn seems to be a recipe for crankiness.
anyhow, last night marcus gave me the best gift at the perfect time. he slept for a 5 1/2 hour stretch! meaning i got to sleep for almost that long! whew! i woke up this morning feeling like i had superpowers. i even got to brush my teeth by myself before owen woke up (not that i don't enjoy our daily discussions of bubble-gum toothpaste vs. "spicy" toothpaste).
we had marcus' one month check up this morning, then met up with some of our favorite people on the island at the zoo. it was a low-key zoo visit, lots of strolling in the shade and sharing of a cream-cheese & jelly sandwich. we got home a little past the usual nap time, and o-man was pulling out all the excuses under the sun to avoid nap. "but i'm not tired... i just want to rest on the couch...i need to play with my toys... i want a snack". on and on, all the while rubbing his eyes. we finally settled on "1 short hour" of time in his room with the door closed. after about 20 minutes he was up and walking around. he wandered into our bedroom where marcus and i had just fallen asleep, climbed into the bed. an hour later he was still asleep when i woke up.
i'm smiling right now writing about it.
in related news - owen got a big boy bed! many thanks to auntie amy and uncle david!
sweet baby feet
we love this ring sling from zolowear