You can now make pretty equations using LaTeX commands inside of Google Docs! I'm swooning...
Google also added Drawings, but unfortunately the application needs a lot of work. I found it very limited. For example, there's no eraser! WTF?
Heh, complaining about something I didn't know existed a few hours ago reminds me of this:
Louis CK - Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy
The whole thing is funny, but the relevant part is halfway through. But seriously, no Eraser Tool?!
As a note to myself, when the iPhone Google apps forget what timezone I'm in, I need to reset Safari. It took me an hour to figure this out. But I shouldn't forget that my phone is talking to a satellite IN SPACE. I should give it a minute...
Google also added Drawings, but unfortunately the application needs a lot of work. I found it very limited. For example, there's no eraser! WTF?
Heh, complaining about something I didn't know existed a few hours ago reminds me of this:
Louis CK - Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy
The whole thing is funny, but the relevant part is halfway through. But seriously, no Eraser Tool?!
As a note to myself, when the iPhone Google apps forget what timezone I'm in, I need to reset Safari. It took me an hour to figure this out. But I shouldn't forget that my phone is talking to a satellite IN SPACE. I should give it a minute...