we did it! with your help i raised over $2600 towards increasing breast cancer awareness and research. last weekend, my dear friend sarah & i walked 60 miles in the susan g. komen breast cancer 3-day. friday, we joined 1600 other walkers at the cow palace for the open ceremony and made our way up the golden state highway to the golden gate bridge. after we set up our hot pink tent, we hunkered down for a chilly night of camping in crissy field.
saturday morning we headed out across the golden gate bridge, walked through sausalito, and into mill valley. after a quick pit stop for lunch, we made our way back through marin, accross the bridge again, and into camp for another cold night. i'm so grateful to have met marlene, a 17 year b.c. survivor and to have had her courage, spunk, and wisdom to keep us going. she walked 80% of the time with us saturday and always found energy to race to the bottom of the hills.
day 3 brought us to golden gate park and through some of san francisco's most well-known neighborhoods: haight ashbury, hayes valley, chinatown, little italy and the marina district. crossing the finish line and being cheered into the closing ceremony by other walkers, family and friends was such a celebration.
while the 60 miles of walking was trying at times, all the training walks and tips about gear paid off, and my body recovered quickly (thanks primarily to the wacky toe socks and body glide). it may sound strange, but the walking became somewhat secondary to all the other encounters of the weekend. hearing other walkers' stories, honoring aunt margaret and linda, crying, laughing, stretching, breathing, and sharing the energy and generosity of the walkers, crew, and volunteers were every bit as powerful as accomplishing the physical challenge.
i met so many young mothers who's battles against the disease have already begun. how staggering it is to know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed in her lifetime. knowing that early detection is key has me adding getting my first mammogram to the to-do list. encourage yourself and those you love to preform monthly self exams and get a mammogram. and thanks again for your tremendous support of me and the walk for the cure.