baby brother is cooking like crazy. his favorite in-utero activities seem to include rib-kicks and what i like to call "bladder jabs". i seem to remember that when i was pregnant with owen, i was certain he'd have a future in tae-bo (remember that???) or soccer. other preggo-reports are that i've not had such bad heartburn this time, my late night snack of choice is a bowl of frosted flakes, and the doctor scolded me for "heavy lifting" at my last visit. oh, and also, owen has started bonding with baby by playing a game we call "see if baby will push back". owen gently presses one hand on my belly... then baby (well, really mommy) pushes back. hysterical laughter ensues when owen feels baby brother move.
here's a couple photos from the 8 month mark this time around....
getting ready to exercise; hanging at home
here's a couple photos from the 8 month mark this time around....
getting ready to exercise; hanging at home
And good work getting the bonding started. Anything you can do to prepare Owen to think happy thoughts (or at least to expect it) when little brother is sleeping/crying/eating/doing nothing fun for months...
Katherine U.
Katherine U.