One of the refrains of the summer is that the Banneker Institute is not an REU program. It's not that REU programs are bad. It's just that we've just always had different goals in mind—and we are not seeking to reinvent the wheel. While REU programs are designed to provide undergraduate students an entrĂ©e into the world of research, we aim to prepare students of color for graduate school in myriad ways including a summer research project. Since the beginning, the Banneker summer program has rested upon three pillars: research, classroom learning, and social justice education. This summer, we have articulated a set of high-level goals associated with these three pillars: Students will learn the process of research in astrophysics. Students will develop tools to describe the world as it is rather than as it has been narrated to them. Students will build and maintain a community that can sustain them through the trials of graduate school and their STEM careers beyond.
Updates on astronomy and parenting in, Pasadena. Wait, make that Cambridge, MA.