I recently read an article at Uppercutting about a WTF_was_that_racist Tweet by sports journalist Jason Whitlock. The article is about the use of a " racist dog whistle " and the risk of lending credibility to white supremacists by making that sort of statement as a black person. The piece is well worth reading . But what inspired me to write here is what I found in the comments area. Many people respond to terrible things that are written in online comment threads by saying something like, "Ugh! Never read the comments." I disagree with this stance. Comment threads are where you get to see how people actually think. After all, online commenters are actual people, fellow citizens of our country. While it's easy and perhaps preferable to think that the people who work with and around us are the Good People, and that racist online comments are left by Bad People. But people are people. The more I've learned about the history and nature of racism, ...
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