From: Robert Jedike Subject: John Johnson on Exoplanets Date: July 1, 2008 5:00:37 PM HST To: Last night John Johnson, IfA NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, gave a Frontiers of Astronomy Lecture on 'Other Worlds' to the Friends of the IfA and other members of the public. It was our biggest crowd ever, attracting more than 120 people and requiring us to pipe the presentation to the TV in the foyer outside the auditorium. I've received tremendous positive feedback on John's talk from Friends of the IfA and from members of the IfA as well. Thank you John! Sadly, the presentation was not taped :( So you'll have to use your imagination to picture me sounding like a professional astronomer, all wowing the crowd with live demonstrations of Doppler shifts, whiz-bang movies of exoplanets, cool pictures, and a few jokes here and there. The audience was extremely attentive and friendly. The questions afterward were excellent and on point. No...