after two weeks with a household full of family, owen and i prepared for our first morning back to our routine. bedtime had been a little late saturday night, so i was thinking, wishfully, that he'd sleep at least 30 minutes beyond the normal wakeup time of 6:30am. 6:15 am rolled around and owen called out: "mommy please open door, owen want all done sleep". covering my head and pretending this wasn't happening, i heard the little voice again, "mommy, mommy, owen all done". sigh. i brought owen into our bed (john was at the telescope) and told him he had to lay quietly for "10 minutes". this is a concept he seems to understand some of the time. he was so quiet, i thought he'd fallen back asleep. nope. again, but now from much closer "all done mommy." it was now about 6:40, and i was going to continue to fight to stay in bed until 7 am (the futility of the act has prompted john to call it "fighting the wind."). as al